SLAV 516: Film Adaptation of Polish and Czech Literature

Love, Lust and Liberty
Instructor: Svetlana Vassileva-KaragyozovaOnline
MW | 1 - 2:15 PM
Experience and discover the fascinating world of Polish and Czech Cinema, in SLAV 516. We will read literary works and watch their film adaptations through the lens of ethical theories on love, self-love, and love for one’s country.
Studying literature and film
- Inspires our curiosity and promotes new ways of thinking
- Empowers us and gives us agency
- Enriches our emotional intelligence and guides us in our interactions with “the other”
- Develops greater capacity to handle life complexities and prevents us from rushing to judgement
- Enhances our upward mobility by helping us develop sophisticated vocabulary for discussing complex topics
Readings and discussions are in English, and no knowledge of Polish or Czech is required.