Awards, Honors, and Scholarships

The department is happy to provide a number of awards and honors to congratulate and recognize students who show excellence in our various languages and the study of their cultures. We also provide some level of funding to help majors and minors study abroad and conduct research.
Information about these opportunities is often announced by the Director of Undergraduate Studies via email, in courses, and on the department's social media channels.
Every year the department honors outstanding students for academic achievements as well as their contributions to the department. While these awards often change to reflect the student body and academic year, awards regularly given are:
- Excellence in language
- Outstanding Graduating Major
- Outstanding Graduating Minor
- Outstanding Service to the department by an undergraduate student
- Outstanding Service to the department by a graduate student
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant
These awards are given and recognized at our annual, end of year recognition ceremony.
During academic year 2013-2014, the department reactivated the Gamma Pi chapter (established in 1949) of Delta Phi Alpha, the National German Honor Society. Delta Phi Alpha "seeks to recognize excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for higher scholarship. The Society aims to promote the study of the German language, literature and civilization and endeavors to emphasize those aspects of German life and culture which are of universal value and which contribute to man's eternal search for peace and truth."
The department nominates qualified students for membership in Delta Phi Alpha. Students can be considered for membership if they have completed a minimum of two years of college or university German (4 courses, 300-level or higher) or their equivalent, have a minimum GPA of 3.3 (B+) in German courses and a cumulative GPA of 2.7 (B-), and demonstrate continued interest in the study of German. For more information, contact Prof. Ari Linden,
An initiation ceremony is held during our annual Recognition Ceremony, held in May during Commencement weekend.
Every year the faculty nominate outstanding students studying Slavic languages and cultures to be part of Dobro Slovo.
For more information, contact Prof. Marc Greenberg,
An initiation ceremony is held during our annual Honors Ceremony, held in April.
- The competitive Engel Scholarships support study abroad for a semester ($2500) or entire academic year ($5000).
- The Joseph L. Conrad Undergraduate Russian Scholarship goes to a junior student studying Russian.