Certificates in Persian or Slavic and Eurasian Languages

We offer a certificate for students who wish to study a Slavic or Eurasian language but may not have the time to dedicate to a major. The language certificate, which consists of the equivalent of two years of language study, aims to give students basic intermediate level proficiency in any of the languages in the department, a training that can serve as a helpful professional credential to be paired with another degree. More details and the requirements for certificates can be found below. For a complete listing of requirements, please visit the KU course catalog.

Please contact our director of undergraduate study with any questions you may have.

Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Montenegrin sequence:

Iranian/Dari/Tajik Persian sequence:

  • PERS 110 - Elementary Iranian/Dari/Tajik Persian I (5)
  • PERS 120 - Elementary Iranian/Dari/Tajik Persian II (5)
  • PERS 210 - Intermediate Iranian/Dari/Tajik Persian I (3)
  • PERS 220 - Intermediate Iranian/Dari/Tajik Persian II (3)

Polish sequence:

Turkish sequence:

Czech sequence:

Ukrainian sequence:

Russian sequence:

Note: that the courses in the Russian sequence are each 5 credits. We drop the first course (RUSS 104) from the certificate sequence to make the total number of credits similar to the other languages while ensuring that students complete the second intermediate course (i.e. last course in the 4-course sequence)

Note: The first two years of BCMS, Czech, Persian, Polish, and Turkish are all offered online. The first years of Russian and Ukrainian are offered online. Polish and Czech are not offered every year. Please check current course offerings and contact language coordinators with any questions.