GERM 201 and 202: Intermediate German

Willkommen Zurück!
2 formats for scheduling flexibility:hybrid and online asynchronous
$0 cost in materials:
taught with Open Educational Resources
Satisfies Core Goal 4.2
German 201
Und wir machen weiter! Your first intermediate course will develop a balanced knowledge of German language and culture by learning about the school system, mass media, technology, and the environment. We will also delve into topics such as recycling, apartment hunting, and career expectations, all of which will help you develop discussion strategies and further your ability to compare and contrast cross-cultural phenomena.
German 202
Jetzt geht’s richtig los! In your fourth and final course in the sequence, you will boost your speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills in German by engaging topics such as traveling and studying abroad, life goals and values in different cultures, and tolerance and prejudice. Current events, social media, and collaborative projects and role play will promote your abilities in expressing your own experiences and views in German.