RUSS 150: Elementary Russian I (online) Syllabus

Class Time

Monday-Friday, individual online asynchronous work (2 modules)

Every other week, online Zoom conferencing: Meeting Time TBD


Dr. Irina Six | | Zoom Office Hours: Via Zoom (posted on Canvas)

Course Description

This is an introductory, 3 credit hour, online course to Russian language and culture. It assumes no previous knowledge or study of the language. Fundamentals of Russian grammar, reading, speaking, and writing. Course designed to accommodate the needs of students regardless of age, educational background, or occupation. No previous knowledge of Russian or other foreign languages required.

Learning Objectives

After successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Read Russian words appropriately following the word stress.
  2. Name basic words for people, places, clothing and everyday objects in Russian
  3. Ask and tell where things are located and to whom they belong.
  4. Greet people at different times of day and at different levels of formality.
  5. Make acquaintances in Russian.
  6. Recognize the conventions for names in Russian and their connection with levels of formality.
  7. Describe your own family and understand a short description of a family
  8. Label pictures of apartment rooms and furniture
  9. Understand basic descriptions (young, old, new, big, small, etc.) and use them in statements and questions about people, places and objects.
  10. Learn basic facts about the geography and ethnic makeup of the Russian Federation

Course Materials

The “textbook” is a free online resource available at: 
Между нами (Between You and Me): An Online Learning Resource for Russian (deBenedette, Comer, Smyslova & Perkins, 2013). The Homework book in the pdf format is also free, and it is available on the textbook website and on Canvas course website. 

Course Assignments and Requirements

This course designed to be maximally efficient and manageable. This course allows you to work at your own pace and adjust your focus based on your individual needs and interests. The following key guiding principles have proven to be a significant factor in the successful implementation of the online course:

  1. Focus on communication. This course does not require the immediate guidance of an instructor or any communication with peers during your individual work. However, it includes intensive interpersonal interaction during a ZOOM synchronous group meeting every two weeks that you are expected to attend.  Your instructor will be available via e-mails and during ZOOM office hours. Please, do not hesitate to contact your instructor if you need help or have questions. We want you to be successful in the course!
  2. Focus on speaking.This course devotes special attention to speaking in Russian. Asynchronous format will allow you to work on your presentational speaking skills and pronunciation. The synchronous ZOOM meetings will expose you to authentic interpersonal speaking with your instructor and peers.
  3. Focus on consistent work.The course is designed in such a way that the structure of your module activities remains uniform.  Also, your assignments remain consistent throughout the course.  The uniformity in your work will assist you in moving through the course efficiently once you have an established routine. It will decrease the effort that you need to put forth to organize your own learning.
  4. Focus on culture. Studying Russian also means studying Russia, so while you are learning the language, you will also learn about the people, places, events, attitudes, and behaviors that shape the way that Russians view the world. The culture-related tasks (Cultural Encounters) every other weekend will stimulate your cognitive involvement and peer-to-peer interaction through Discussion boards.

Weekly Assignments

On Monday – Friday, you will fulfill the following tasks daily:

  1. Watch a prerecorded short video from Instructor who will draw yourattention to the most complex grammar and pronounce the hardest words and phrases.
  2. Complete 6 to 9 different practice assignments that vary in nature. Pay special attention to the dialogues and train your speaking skills by reproducing these dialogues. Take time memorizing the new words. Some practice assignments are graded. 
  3. Attend one hour Zoom synchronous meetings with your instructor every other week starting from week 1 (time TBD). You are expected to attend on time, with your camera on. The attendance is graded. If your camera is off, you will lose points for the day. The only exception is if you contact me before so that I am aware of your needs.
  4. Upload two assignments every other week staring from week 2. They will be graded:
    1. Written Assignment
    2. Speaking Assignment
  5. Learn about Russian Culture on Russian Weekend. Share your thoughts with your peers on Discussion Board via your posts. Participation is graded.  

Academic Integrity

Students are responsible for the academic integrity of their work. We do encourage you to use online dictionaries to check the English meanings of unknown Russian words, but online translator use to complete assignments is prohibited as this is plagiarism. There are LIMITS:

  1. We do not recommend the use of online translation programs to help you translate entire phrases, sentences, or compositions from English to Russian. They are not very effective for learning purposes.
  2. Please be also advised that when you turn in Google translation as your own work, you are committing academic misconduct. Moreover, results from online translators are often wrong, so do not rely on them.  

Evaluation Criteria and Grading Scale

Student Survey of Teaching

You will have multiple opportunities to provide feedback on your experience in this course. Suggestions and constructive criticism are encouraged throughout the course and may be particularly valuable early in the semester. You will also be asked to complete an end-of-semester, online Student Survey of Teaching, which could inform modifications to this course in the future.

Weekly Assignments Grading

Day of the Week

Graded and Not-graded Assignments



A. Not graded: daily online practice assignments training different language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking). You have unlimited attempts on practice assignments.

B. Graded: Upload of two assignments every other week starting from week 2:  

  • Written Assignment
  • Speaking Assignment

Friday (time TBD)


Graded: Attendance and participation in Zoom Group meeting (one hour) every other week staring from week 1



Graded: Participation in Discussion chat with peers about Russian culture (Cultural Encounter) every other week starting from week 1.

Grading Scale and Policies

All grades will be posted on Canvas. A final letter grade will be assigned based on percentages:


Practice Exercises


Attendance in Zoom meetings  


Oral Work (Speaking Assignments)


Written Work (Written Assignments)


Participation in Discussion (Cultural Encounters)


Final Exam (Oral + Take-home Test)




The speaking assignments, the written assignments will be graded on a ten-point scale. Below is the rubric.


Written assignments

Speaking assignments

10 pts

The assignment is complete. No errors or almost no errors. No abuse of online translators.

The speech is well-practiced. The pronunciation is mostly correct. No or very few errors in grammar and vocabulary.

7-9 pts

Needs some improvement. Some parts may be incomplete, or some errors require revision.

The speech is mostly correct. Fluency or pronunciation may need improvement.

1-6 pts

Needs significant improvement. Errors in important course grammar or vocabulary. May impede understanding.

Significant errors that impede understanding. Not enough practice of fluency and pronunciation. Parts of the assignment are missing.

0 pts

No submission, wrong submission, or major abuse of online translators.

No submission, wrong submission, or major abuse of online translators.

Grading Scale

89.5% - 100%                   A

84.5% - 89.4%                  B+

79.5% - 84.4%                  B

74.5% - 79.4%                 C+

69.5% - 74.4%                  C

64.5% - 69.4%                  D+

59.5% - 64.4%                  D

0% - 59.4%                        F

Late Submission

During the first modular, there is no penalty for late submission of the graded assignments. However, do your best to keep up with the schedule to get in the rhythm.

Staring from week 3, points will be deducted for late submission UNLESS you contact the instructor before the deadline.

Revision and Resubmission

If you wish to improve your grade on an assignment, you can revise and resubmit them for full credit. It is best to do it ASAP after you got the feedback, so you don’t fall behind on the following material.

Missed classes. Tech issues.

Please, do not hesitate to contact the instructor if for whatever reason you are unable to complete the work, meet the deadline, or attend the in-person meeting. I will make every effort to make necessary arrangements and adjustments.

Q&A Discussion Board

In Q&A section, you can post any questions you have about the course work, e.g. what to do, deadlines, how to do it etc.

Incomplete Grades

You may be assigned an 'I' (Incomplete) grade if you are unable to complete some portion of the assigned course work because of an unanticipated illness, accident, work-related responsibility, family hardship, or verified learning disability. An Incomplete grade is not intended to give you additional time to complete course assignments or extra credit unless there is indication that the specified circumstances prevented you from completing course assignments on time.

Course Schedule





Due by 9 pm on


08/21 – 08/27

Module 1

Unit 1 (1.1 – 1.2)

ZOOM (1)

Culture Post (1)


Sunday, 08/27


08/28 – 09/03

Unit 1 (1.3 – 1.4)

Written & Speaking Assignments (1)


Sunday, 09/03


09/04 – 09/10

Labor Day (09/04)

Unit 1 (1.4)

ZOOM (2)

Culture Post (2)


Sunday, 09/10


09/11 – 09/17

Unit 1 (1.5 – 1.6)

Written & Speaking Assignments (2)

Sunday, 09/17


09/18 – 09/24

Unit 1 (1.7 – 1.8)

ZOOM (3)

Culture Post (3)


Sunday, 09/24


09/25 –10/01

Unit 1 (1.9 – 1.10)

Written & Speaking Assignments (3)

Sunday, 10/01


10/02 – 10/08

Unit 1 Review  

ZOOM (4)

Culture Post (4)


Sunday, 10/08


10/09 – 10/15

Unit 2 (2.1)

Written & Speaking Assignments (4)

Sunday, 10/15


10/16 – 10/22

Fall Break -No classes M/T

Unit 2 (2.2)

ZOOM (5)

Culture Post (5)


Sunday, 10/22


10/23 – 10/29

Unit 2 (2.3)

Written & Speaking Assignments (5)

Sunday, 10/29


10/30 – 11/05

Unit 2 (2.4)

ZOOM (6)

Culture Post (6)


Sunday, 11/05


11/06 – 11/12

Unit 2 (2.5 – 2.6)

Written & Speaking Assignments (6)

Sunday, 11/12


11/13 – 11/19

Unit 2 (2.7 – 2.8)

ZOOM (7)

Culture Post (7)


Sunday, 11/19


11/20 – 11/26

Unit 2 Review

Written & Speaking Assignments (7)

Sunday, 11/26


11/27 – 12/03

Phonetics Review

Character Stories Review

ZOOM (8)

Culture Post (8)


Sunday, 12/03


12/04 – 12/07

Last Week of Classes

Final Exam Prep

Final Exam:  Oral Recording and Written Take-home Test

(find due dates and time on Canvas)   

Attendance Policy

The knowledge and skills you will gain in this course are dependent on your participation (that also includes on-time submissions). Because of that, I expect you to do required weekdays work and submit your assignments on time unless you are ill or have a University excused absence. Your regular weekdays submissions will help me understand how and when you are engaging in the course.

If you need to report an extended illness or serious accident, please contact Student Support and Case Management at or 785-864-7022.

Academic Success

In addition to any polices and resources noted above, the KU Academic Success Student Resources website provides links to KU Policies and Resources pertaining to academic misconduct, grading polices, harassment and discrimination, diversity and inclusion, mandatory reporting, equal opportunity and affirmative action, and student rights and responsibilities.  Please visit the site to familiarize yourself with these policies and resources. If you have questions or concerns about any of these policies, statements, or resources, please let me know, or contact Student Affairs