Marta Pirnat-Greenberg

- Emertia Lecturer
Contact Info
Education —
Selected Publications —
2012 book: Colloquial Slovene. A Complete Language Course. New Edition. London: Routledge.
2015 web-based materials: Supplementary Materials for Reading Svašta u mojoj glavi, a story by Miro Gavran. [Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian shareable teaching materials.]
2004 web-based materials: (NE)Sigurni u cestovnom prometu. [(Un)Safe on the Road] [Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian shareable teaching materials.]
1996 print materials: Povej naprej. Priročnik metodičnih dejavnosti za pouk slovenščine kot drugega/tujega jezika. [A Collection of Activities for Teaching Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language.] Marja Bešter and Ljubica Černivec, eds. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta. [5 activities.]
Selected publications, translations
2007 translations (articles): Slovene Poets and Writers of the Slovene Academy. Ed. by Drago Jančar and Kajetan Kovič. Ljubljana: SAZU.
2007 essay: Študent naj bo na ameriškem kolidžu. [Getting into American College.] Dialogi (Maribor) 43
2004 review: Andrea Albretti. Colloquial Slovene. Slavic and East European Journal 48.2.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
European Studies Consortium (University of Minnesota), CARLA summer institute workshop “Developing Materials for Less Commonly Taught Languages”; Slovene Ministry of Culture Grant for translation; American Council of Learned Societies Grants for teaching Slovene; Fulbright Fellowship (Yale); ZAMTES [Slovene Commission for International Technical Cooperation] grant (Charles University, Prague); Prešernova nagrada [Prešeren Award].