Dr. Irina Six

- Assistant Teaching Professor
- Language Coordinator, Russian
- Russian Language Pedagogy | Business Russian
Contact Info
Education —
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Russian Language Pedagogy
- Business Russian
Selected Publications —
“Russian Through Film”, 2022 (forthcoming with Routledge), with Anna Kudyma (UCLA) and Irina Walsh (Bryn Mawr College)
“Make Me Talk: A Bichronous Russian Language Course for Beginners”, Russian Language Journal, wth Olga Garbrandt, Vol. 71, No. 2, 2021, pp. 157 - 170.
«В каком контексте? »: A Context-Based Approach to Teaching Verbs of Motion”, Russian Language Journal, Vol. 69, 2019, pp. 213 - 234.
“Benjamin Rifkin, Evgeny Dengub, and Suzanna Nazarova. Panorama: Intermediate Russian Language and Culture, Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017. Index. 460 pages”. Book Review. Russian Language Journal, Vol. 67, pp. 80-83.
“Born in the USSR”: Searching High and Low for Post-Soviet Identity.” Ulbandus 11 (2008): 232 – 251.
“What Do Ads Do to the Classroom?” Global Business Languages 11 (2006): 83 – 95.
“Advertising in the Russian Language Classroom.” Language and Culture Out of Bounds: Discipline-Blurred Perspectives on the Foreign Language Classroom. Eds. Vicky Galloway and Cothran, Betina. AATSP Professional Development Series Handbook. 6. Mason: Thompson, 2006. 151 – 170
“What Language Sells: Western Advertising in Russia.” The Journal of Language for International Business 16(2) (2005): 1 - 12.
Selected Presentations —
May 20, 2022 “Functional Approach to Teaching Russian for Students with Different Academic Interests” at UCLA Flagship webinar: “Russian for STEM and Professional Purposes: Curricula and Assessment”
February 7, 2020 “Context Approach to Teaching Verbs of Motion”. AATSEEL Annual Conference 2020, San Diego, CA
December 11, 2018 “Verbs of Motion: Keep it Simple and Meaningful”. ACTR webinar. Presenter.
February 1, 2018 “Why Can't We Teach Verb of Motion?”. Presenter. LEARN Workshop. Catholic University, Washington, DC.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
External: Business Language Teaching Research Grants award, Center for International Business Education & Research (CIBER). Project: Mastering Business Case Discussion: Data-Driven Teaching Materials for Intermediate Students of Russian.
Internal: KU CREES Grants for Course Development. Projects: Russian for the Profession (2009); Russia and Eastern Europe: Business, Culture, Society (2008); Post-Soviet Communication (2006)