Dr. Ani Kokobobo

- Affiliate Researcher
- Dean, College of Liberal Arts, University of Louisiana, Layafette
Contact Info
1445 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Education —
Research —
Research interests: Ani Kokobobo completed her Ph.D. dissertation on the grotesque and the body in late Russian realism. She specializes in nineteenth-century Russian literature as well as Balkan modernism. In addition to working on individual authors like Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Andrić, and Kadare, in her research she has also explored larger theoretical problems like representations of violence and the body in literature as well as the political significance of aesthetic styles and genres.
Teaching —
Teaching interests: Nineteenth-century Russian literature, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin.
Selected Publications —
Kokobobo, Ani. Russian Grotesque Realism: The Great Reforms and Gentry Decline. Books. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 2018.
2012 article: “Altered Worlds and Defiled Subjects: The Grotesque Aesthetics of Tolstoy’s Resurrection.” Tolstoy Studies Journal, Vol. 24, 1-15.
2012 article: "Grotesknoe ostranenie v romane Tolstogo Voskresenie." Proceedings from the Seventh International Academic Conference "Leo Tolstoy and World Literature. Iasnaia Poliana: 237-244.
2011 article: "Bureaucracy of Dreams – Surrealist Socialism and Surrealist Awakening in Ismail Kadare’s The Palace of Dreams." Slavic Review 70.3, Fall 2011.
2010 article: "'Curse' of the Blood – The Eastern Origins of Balkan Violence in Ismail Kadare's Three Elegies for Kosovo." Ulbandus, Vol. 13.
2008 article: "Authoring Christ – Novelistic Echoes in Tolstoy's Harmonization and Translation of the Four Gospels." Tolstoy Studies Journal, vol. 20.
2008 article: "Portret Khrista v knige Tolstogo Soedinenie i perevod chetyrekh evangelii." Proceedings from the Fifth International Academic Conference "Leo Tolstoy and World Literature." Iasnaia Poliana: April
2007 article: "To Grieve or Not to Grieve? – The Unsteady Representation of Violence in Ivo Andrić's The Bridge On the Drina." Serbian Studies, vol. 23.