GERM 315: Magic, Murder, Monsters: German Literature and the Modern Era

Magic, Murder, and Monsters! Need we say more?
Instructor: Patrick PloschnitzkiIn-Person
TuTh | 9:30am - 10:45am
Fraiser 113
Why do monsters exist? What drives a person to do the unthinkable? Why are we fascinated by tales of horror and creatures of the night, be they supernatural or all-too-human? From devils and vampires, sorcerers and serial killers, to Nazis and other ghouls, monsters and murderers inspire a range
of complex feelings—fear, disgust, shame, anger, and even titillation. In this class, we encounter a range of human and non-human creatures in works from multiple eras and genres (fairy tales, drama, short story, film, art, novel) as we explore humanity’s pervasive (and at times, perverse) fascination with monsters, magic, and murder. We will discover how examining their existences and their actions helps us develop a greater understanding of other cultures, our own culture, and ourselves.
All texts, discussions, and class assignments are in English. Knowledge of German is not necessary but helpful. Open to first-year students and non-majors.